I'm going to the opera tonight! Cenerentola (Cinderella) is in the theater in Perugia. I have been told that it will be a "cultural experience." I'm excited.
I think I bruised my kneecap.
Midterms are in less than two weeks. Huh?
We have more dinner plans with Italians this week- a couple girlfriends of Tiziana invited us over and they will cook for us on Friday. And next week we're eating with the guys we met at the cafe last week. They're going to challenge my Italian and I am so ready.
I had to talk about my family in my Italian class the other day. So Mom, Andrea, Maren, Dave, Mel, and Caffie (Dad, I don't have any pictures of you on my computer- how is that possible??) feel honored that my Italian class & professor have seen your photographs. Don't worry, I only said good things about you.
And Mel and Andrea, regarding my other post, you're both wrong so far. Keep guessing.

I found these photos I took of a very photogenic Perugia from a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, this is where I live.
cumbia bird one or the fun salsa one with the fancy footwork??
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